Claridge Icon gets the Go Ahead
By Lucas on Apr 11, 2013
It’s been happening in Toronto for the past five to 10 years - builders and the City are looking to maximize land and add density to our main streets in the form of high-rise condominium buildings. We are now at the pinnacle of the cycle, with 70 to 75 percent of all new homes in the Greater Toronto Area being in a condo.
Ottawa continues to see high-rise development
It’s not as extreme as in Toronto, but Ottawa continues to see new mid-rise and high-rise proposals popping up. Developers like Brad Lamb, Ashcroft Homes, and Mastercraft Starwood have recognized our nation’s capital as an area that is in need of intensification. Ottawa has seen more reserved projects, ranging from 20 to 30 storeys on average, but one Ottawa developer is looking to change things up a bit.Claridge Homes plans to bring “Claridge Icon” to Ottawa
Claridge Homes is one of Ottawa's biggest home builders, with success stories all over the greater Ottawa area. Recently, they strategically acquired a pocket of land at the corner of Preston St. and Carling Ave. After an application to the City of Ottawa and some deliberation, Claridge Homes has now received approval to build a 45-storey tower on the site, dubbed Claridge Icon. Claridge Icon will be the tallest tower in Ottawa, and this approval opens the door for other tall proposals.
“The bar we’ve set is a high bar and I think that we owe a little bit of gratitude to the proponent for helping us set that bar,” said Peter Hume, chair of the City's planning committee.
Claridge Icon designed by David Pontarini
In order to ensure that Claridge Icon boasts a unique design, Claridge Homes has brought in architect David Pontarini. As you can see in the renderings, Pontarini creates an organic vibe with the smooth flow of the curved balconies. There will also be a significant setback of 15 feet from both the road and the neighbouring properties. The final design is not approved, and both Pontarini and Claridge are looking to work with the City in order to ensure that the tower can be a true “icon.”