Changing Lives at Comet Speed
By on Jul 11, 2012

Earlier today a deserving Hamilton family received the keys and took ownership of the latest Habitat for Humanity Hamilton home which was constructed by Homes by DeSantis on a lot donated by the City of Hamilton. Located on Comet Avenue along the beach strip this is the 14th family that Habitat Hamilton has started on the journey of homeownership and a healthier future for their children.
While the actual costs involved in building a home are substantial, the lot is also a major factor in an overall project. A vacant property provided by the the City of Hamilton moved this new home project ahead. Paul Parker, Vice Chair of Habitat Hamilton recognized the leadership of both Mr. DeSantis and also city Councillor Chad Collins and stated that through the vision of these two the new homeowners and their five children are well on the way to a future that until today seemed to be a hope and a prayer.
Homeownership through a partnership with Habitat involves the partner families throughout the process. Once accepted the families are expected to contribute 500 hours in what is called “sweat equity” through building alongside other community members or involvement in other Habitat programs. Like today, once the family is given the keys to their home they start to repay the mortgage held by Habitat which is based on fair market value. This is why Habitat for Humanity say, we give families a “Hand Up not a Hand Out”.