Biyu Invites Owners to "Be You" at Emerald City
By Lucas on Nov 13, 2013
ELAD CANADA’s new Ad Campaign Marries Whimsy and Sophistication
ELAD CANADA’s marketing campaign for Biyu, its newest condominium at master-planned Emerald City, stars a petite, self-assured young woman in a series of colourful illustrations. Her name is “Biyu,” and she is the captivating “face” of the upcoming mid-rise building.
The brainchild of Lawrence Ayliffe, President of L.A. Inc., the campaign is designed to attract the fashionable target market for this popular community. “We needed a concept that reflects Emerald City’s key selling points and appeals to a broad market, especially young professionals,” he explains. “I came across the girl’s name Biyu, and I figured why not create a hip character to represent the market we’re trying to reach? It’s also pronounced ‘BE-YOU’ – and with so many amenities close by, suite owners can find activities that fit their unique personalities.”
His intensive search led him to a Parisian illustrator, who was commissioned to do the sketches, and Ayliffe is ecstatic with the result. “Biyu is a cool single female who likes having her own place. In the illustrations, she is relaxing in her suite, having a coffee on her balcony, shopping for shoes at Fairview Mall, ordering dinner at a local restaurant and hopping on the subway – enjoying all the benefits of living in Emerald City’s new condominium. The vibrant colours make this condominium stand out from the crowd. This campaign has a lot of character, in more ways than one!”
ELAD CANADA is part of ELAD GROUP, a leading real estate organization, with worldwide interests, has made its mark across the globe. In addition to Biyu’s exciting private amenities, residents will have access to the 50,000 square-foot Community Centre already under construction. Suites will be priced from the mid-$200,000s. To put yourself in the picture, REGISTER NOW for the Biyu lifestyle. Visit the Presentation Centre at Don Mills and Sheppard, online at www.biyucondos.com, or call 416-492-0001