Aurora 2C Landowners Group Donates $750,000 to Southlake
By Lucas on Aug 12, 2014
On August 11, 2014, the Aurora 2C Landowners Group announced a new funding program for the Southlake Regional Hospital Foundation, which amounts to a $750,000 donation over the next four years.
What is the Aurora 2C Landowners Group?
The Aurora 2C Landowners Group is made up of homebuilders who are developing prime real estate in Aurora. The group is comprised of: Arista Homes, Brookfield Homes, CountryWide Homes, Fieldgate Homes, Greenpark, Lindvest/Aurora Glen, Malone Given Parsons, Mattamy Homes, The Meadows of Aurora, Metrus Developments, OPUS Homes, Paradise Homes, Royal Cliff, TACC Developments, and Treasure Hill Homes.
The new funding program was announced at the Aurora Municipal Offices, with representatives of the Aurora 2C Landowners Group and Southlake Regional Hospital Foundation, as well as mayor Geoffrey Dawe.
Mayor Geoffrey Dawe
“Today we’re celebrating innovation, collaboration, philanthropy, and I believe the magic word, partnership,” mayor Dawe announced. “Results of this positive collaboration is a series of new neighbourhoods with 40 percent green space, complete with urban forests, and new trails to complement our robust, expanding trail system.”
A portion of the funding will go towards the Southlake Regional Hospital Foundation’s Images for Life campaign, which focuses on bringing the best in diagnostic imaging technology to the health centre. With help from the public, the Images for Life campaign is very close to reaching its $16 million goal!
Neila Poscente
“The second phase that were most excited about is to redevelop our nuclear medicine capabilities and bring a second 3-tesla MRI to Southlake,” said Neila Poscente, President of Southlake Regional Hospital Foundation. Poscente added a touching story about an Aurora-woman named Jill who has a family history of breast cancer. Although Jill has beat breast cancer, she still travels to Toronto once a year to get tested because Southlake does not have the technology to test her. With Aurora 2C Landowner Group’s contribution, they will soon.
The whole team at Newinhomes.com is extremely proud of all the builders that make up the Aurora 2C Landowners Group. Building new homes isn’t what the new home industry is all about anymore - good builders build communities.