Amanda Charbon of Edenshaw Developments
By Lucas on Feb 10, 2014
Hero name: Assistant Marketing Manager
Allegiance: Edenshaw Developments
Secret Identity: Amanda Charbon
Age: 24
Time Active: 3 years
Origin Story:
Amanda attended Queen’s University and received a BAH in Religious Studies and Politics. While this is not the traditional path of a marketer, Amanda knew that this was the field she wanted to pursue. She started at Edenshaw as an Executive Assistant and attended night school at Humber College to reach the position she is in today. Amanda credits her experience with the Chaz.Yorkville project for teaching her so much about the condo development and marketing industry.
Special Powers:
Organization Master - balancing night school with a career is no easy task!
Socializer - getting your face and name out there is the first step of moving up.
Ultra Creative - religion, politics, and marketing is a lot to work with!
Current Developments:
Chaz.Yorkville in Toronto
Gordon Woods in Mississauga
Alto in Little Portugal
“I anticipate a strong focus on social networking within buildings to create social communities. Have you ever lived in a building and known your neighbours on your floor? Probably not, and that’s going to change. More developers will incorporate technology to create a social atmosphere – to make it easier to make friends and network with the people who are living around you. Chaz Yorkville does just that – we’ve introduced Bazinga! technology into the building to create a social platform for the residents where they can post and share their ideas through a common portal. And Edenshaw is all about crafting communities – we look to incorporate this social hive in all of our projects.”
Interesting Fact:
Even though Amanda has an intense phobia of drowning, she competed nationally as a synchronized swimmer! Just goes to show you can do anything if you try hard enough.