Home Buying Tips
Eight important tips you need to know before you buy your new home.
Coffee Makers
An astonishing array of coffee makers await the dedicated caffeine seeker, along with a full complement of accessories.
Low Light Gardens
Low light gardens can seem like an insurmountable challenge for many people.
Smart Homes
The idea of an automated "smart home" has been the next great idea for the past decade and has long captured the imagination of homeowners.
Save money with tankless water heaters
Tankless water heaters enter the Canadian market.
Planting Roses
Red Roses are one of the most beautiful flowering plants
New Building Blocks
There are 12 steps that need to be taken to build a new home.
Reduce energy consumption in your new home
There are many small things that can be done around the home to reduce energy consumption.
"Green" Money Saving Tips
Energy savings don't only happen inside the home, but also outside of the home.