5 tips for choosing the best area rugs for your home
By Jo-Ann Capelaci on Dec 11, 2015
The trend in new housing is towards hardwood or laminate flooring throughout, or at least in the main living areas. When a room’s flooring is hardwood or laminate (other than a kitchen or bath) we typically need an area rug to soften and define the space. Area rugs also provide texture, colour and interest.
Below are five tips to consider when choosing an area rug:
1) Placement
The most common way to place an area rug in a living or family room is with the front legs of all the furniture on the area rug, as pictured below.
Williamsberg Estates, Anderson Enclave Great Room
2) Focus on balance
It may be appropriate to put all the furniture on the area rug as in the example below. In this office area we want to keep the chair on the area rug so it is balanced.
Photo by Jenny Quicksall Photography
3) Think small
Sometimes it can be a good look to put the area rug in front of all the perimeter legs, as in the picture below. This can also be a cost saver because the size of the rug helps determine the price.
Via Pinterest
4) Watch where you walk
Consider traffic patterns when deciding on area rugs. Generally speaking, you don’t want to be walking over an area rug. Walking over an area rug can cause you to trip as well as show more wear in that path area. Therefore, think about how you will use the space to get to doors or other rooms. Notice below how a hide rug was used to define the seating area while keeping the area clear where people would be walking.
Geranium Homes, Uptownes at Cardinal Point
5) Try different positions
Consider angling the area rug. Angling a rug can look good aesthetically and help free up areas for traffic flow patterns.
Keep in mind that the five tips are guidelines and it is okay to break the rules sometimes. If it looks and feels right, you don’t necessarily need to follow the rules. Note the room below where a sitting area is being defined and accented for interest. The rules were not followed however it still works.
Geranium Homes, Uptownes at Cardinal Point
Jo-Ann Capelaci is president and principal interior designer of Colours & Concepts. The award winning company specializes in model homes and colour and upgrade selections for builders. They have been helping new home buyers choose finishes for their homes for over 20 years. Jo-Ann is dedicated to helping new home buyers create a model home feeling in their new home. Look for future articles on other topics to assist in decorating and designing your new home.