5 Ways to Market a Real Estate Business on Facebook
By Lucas on Jan 10, 2014
As someone in the real estate industry, you are well aware of the timeless principle “location, location, location.” A good area can attract potential buyers and differentiate sellers from the competition. The same principle can also be used when it comes to your real estate business. Investing time in various areas (like social media) can help you connect with more prospective buyers and sellers. Facebook has a reported 1.11 billion people using the site each month, which means there’s a huge opportunity to connect with a large audience who could benefit from your services.
Here are five ways real estate professionals and new home builders can turn their Facebook Page into a beautiful investment:
1. Announce new listings: Social media is all about real-time information, so it makes sense to post your new listings as they become available. Highlight new homes for sale in Ontario and encourage your online audience to ask for more information. Homebuyers are always on the hunt for new developments, so it’s important to post in a timely fashion. You can also use hashtags to highlight important details, like the location (e.g. #Toronto) and type of home (e.g. #Townhouse).
2. Show clients that you care: You aren’t just selling properties; you are helping people enhance their quality of life with a new home that they will love. A large part of being in real estate is building relationships with your clients. Show them that you care by including them on your Page. Post a photo of your client (with their permission) standing by a “sold” sign or showing off the keys to their new condo!
3. Highlight home details: When it comes to posting messages on social media, one of the key things to remember is to be concise. You want to be able to get the message across quickly but effectively. To do this, give your online audience highlights about a property that’s available. Hardwood floors, granite countertops, walk-in closets – these are all things that can pique interest and engagement in your posts (not to mention the listing).
4. Talk about the neighbourhood: If you are promoting a new home builder or new developments in the area, entice people by showing off the neighbourhood. Create posts that give valuable information about nearby amenities, parks, etc. This also shows that you are familiar with the area.
5. Ask for feedback: Want to know the types of new homes your clientele and potential buyers are interested in? All you have to do is ask. Are people on your Page interested in new townhouses or are they more interested in new condos? Social media is the avenue that people are now using to publicly voice their opinions. You will be surprised to learn just how much information you can receive by asking a simple question. Find out how local residents feel about the new developments that have just been built in their area, or how long it generally takes new homeowners to settle in to their place.
Think of your business’ Facebook Page as a place where you can connect with your online community. You want to make them feel welcome and at home (online). These five approaches can significantly increase the potential for more sales, while helping you stand out from your competition and strengthen client relationships.