4 futuristic home features you can own today
By Jen Taylor on Jan 26, 2016
Earlier this month, CES 2016 gave us a glimpse of what life will be like in the future. Booths showcasing prototypes for the latest in smart home technology and design helped us envision a world that closely resembles a sci-fi movie. However, the future might not be as distant as we think it is. There are already a ton of smart home features on the market today that could turn your home into a scene right out of the Jetsons. We’ve rounded up a few futuristic home features that you can own today, proving that we’re not too far away from the sci-fi films we once marveled at.
1) Concoon Bed
Wasserbetten’s Concoon is the latest in “wellness furniture.” The futuristic bed is meant for total relaxation, completely enveloping you in an “atmosphere of total seclusion.”
The mattress is designed to make it’s inhabitant feel like they’re floating, light as a feather. The bed uses an ITW water mattress to cradle the body’s contours, allowing muscles to completely relax. The pod also creates a warm sensation to help sooth aches and pains.
The Concoon is also lit with therapeutic “subtle harmonious light effects” to help you focus. Finally, the pod includes an integrated surround sound system loaded with a number of acoustic variations to both energize and relax you. Sound is transmitted through the waterbed, creating vibrations through the membrane of the water mattress that can be adjusted depending on the mood you’d like to set. We imagine that this is what it will be like to sleep in a space station orbiting the moon.
2) Ween
The Ween is a teardrop-shaped geo-driven thermostat that’s easy on the eyes and equipped with the latest smart technology. The Ween displays the temperature of your home on the screen, and residents can twist the silver top to adjust the temperature. This sleek little guy models your home’s energy profile based on how fast it cools down and heats up, outside weather conditions, and the upcoming forecasted weather conditions. The Ween collects all this data and adjusts the inside temperature in real time!
Like all new home tech, the Ween also connects to all smart devices in the house, and will automatically adjust the temperature depending on the preferences of whoever is home. It will even reduce temperatures and save you some energy (and money) when you leave the house, and turns back on when it senses you getting closer to home.
3) H2O Smart Pot and Flower Power
Not every piece of home decor needs to look like it came straight out of a sci-fi film. Most will focus on making our lives a little simpler and our homes a little smarter. A great example is Parrot’s new smart pot (top image), designed to keep your houseplants lush and green (or simply alive for those without a green thumb).
The Flower Power is a sensor that tracks the essential needs of your plant and alerts your smartphone when it’s time to water, fertilize, or help it reach some more sun. The device tracks sunlight, temperature, soil moisture and soil electrical conductivity to make sure its environment is optimal for the best plant growth. It’s also equipped with Bluetooth and has a six month battery lifespan.
Parrot is also releasing a new Bluetooth-powered pot that can water your plants for you when you’re away on vacation or at work. The pot holds two liters of water and releases it through four waterspouts when it senses the soil getting too dry. The pot taps into a knowledge database of over 7,000 houseplants to help it better understand when your plant is thirsty and how much water it will need. There’s even a “conservation mode’ that will release the minimum necessary water for the plant. This is great for when you’re away on vacation and can’t be around to refill the water reserve.
4) i-sopod
The i-sopod is bringing the spa experience directly into the home. This home jacuzzi is totally enclosed creating a space of calm and tranquility where you can rejuvenate and relax. The flotation chamber is equipped with built-in ambient lighting, an audio system, and a state-of-the-art design that looks more like a spaceship than a sanctuary.
This is just a sampling of the futuristic home features available today. Is your home furnished with any futuristic furniture or design elements?