MARK CULLEN: For the Love of Trees
By Mark CullenMuch has been said about the benefits of trees in our neighbourhoods – especially urban communities. Trees sequester carbon and produce prodigious amounts of oxygen. Trees filter pollutants from the air. Trees filter toxins from water and
Mark Cullen: Planning your Dream Garden
By Mark CullenReap the Rewards of Creativity and PreparationThe majority of Toronto’s inhabitants reside in an urban, densely populated area. Despite limited planting real estate, with the help of a solid plan we can still enjoy beautiful gardens and
MARK CULLEN: Dog Days in the Garden
As your kids head off to school, you might be thinking that your house is all too quiet and organized. Perhaps this is the perfect time for you to get a dog.If you are fortunate enough to have a yard where your pet can run and skip and chase squirrels,
MARK CULLEN: Taking Care of Your Garden
By Mark CullenAutumn is a great time of year to take a leisurely approach to your garden. Without the weeds growing to beat the band and insects pretty much out of the picture you might think that all there is to do is to bring in the harvest, cut your
MARK CULLEN: Grow Your Own – Seed Starting Tips
As we wade out of the deep freeze of a Canadian winter, I am reminded that spring is not all that far away when I look at the list of seeds that need starting this time of year.Some of the favourites that you should consider sowing right now include
MARK CULLEN: Winter Prep for Your Home Garden
Here in my zone 5 garden we have turned a significant page in the gardening year. Last week we experienced our first killing frost. This draws to our attention the fact that we are well into the autumn season. That means that we need to be thinking of
MARK CULLEN: Salt Alternatives
By Mark CullenHardware stores in the GTA are finding it a challenge to keep salt in stock. Home owners are scrambling to clear the thick layers of ice from their sidewalks and driveways. This makes me think of all of the salt that we use, which is a
MARK CULLEN: Caring for Roses
By Mark CullenIt is early summer and your roses have almost finished their first flush of great looking blossoms. Now is the most important time to feed them!Roses require nutrients to produce blooms. If you used Smartcote "Feed and Forget" Rose Food
Mark Cullen’s Veggie Garden Primer Tips
Canadians have fewer diversions in late winter: swimming, boating, fishing and, yes gardening, are distant memories. It is difficult to even remember what warm sunshine feels like, never mind get outdoors and absorb some vitamin D.Oh for those spring
MARK CULLEN: Water, Water Everywhere
By Mark CullenOf all the current trends in gardening perhaps the use of water as a garden feature has the legs to last a generation or more. Take a look over the back fence of any home in the GTA these days and chances are you will find either a full