
Today's Condos Marvels of Efficiency

By Barbara LawlorWhether you own or rent, paying for utilities eats up a substantial portion of your income. The costs of electricity, gas and water go up all the time, and wise budgeters pay attention to conserving energy and resources wherever they

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Make the Most of Your Sales Office Experience! Image

Make the Most of Your Sales Office Experience!

By Barbara LawlorAs fantastic as it is to have the Internet for condominium shopping these days, nothing beats an in-person visit to the sales offices of the buildings you are considering. Realize that developers devote a great deal of energy and

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Condo Pro: The Ongoing Greening of Condos Image

Condo Pro: The Ongoing Greening of Condos

By Barbara LawlorWhen we think of the buzzword “green” in new condominiums, the first things that comes to mind is not the colour, but items such as green roofs and energy-efficient windows. There are many smart technologies and environmentally friendly

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Compact Suites in Toronto are Large in Comparison Image

Compact Suites in Toronto are Large in Comparison

By Barbara LawlorA little searching on the web uncovers a world of micro condo suites and apartments that make our smallest suites in the GTA seem huge.Last year, Global News Toronto reported on Canada’s smallest condominium suite measuring 297 square

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