2014 Live Green Toronto Awards
By Penny on Mar 24, 2014
Image via livegreentoronto.ca
Get your entries in now! The City of Toronto is encouraging participants to enter and vote ASAP to help determine the 2014 Live Green Toronto Awards winners!
The award recognizes the residents, groups and businesses that are helping make Toronto a greener community. With five categories open for entries including: youth, individual, group, small business and corporation, we wonder if we’ll see any of the BILD’s Green Home Builder finalists emerge as winners.
If you’re thinking of submitting an entry, all you need to include is a video (up to 90 seconds in length) about your story attached to a written piece (maximum 500 words) explaining your green contributions. Winners will receive a Live Green Toronto Award, $2,500 courtesy of award sponsors, and a chance to appear on CP24!
Make sure to get your online votes in because they will account for 49 percent of entrants’ scores, with the remaining 51 percent being left up to the judges. You can view the video entries and submit votes for your favourites online once a day here up until April 28th at 5 p.m. Contest winners will be officially announced on May 20th.
To access entry forms, eligibility guidelines and helpful tips on creating your submissions click here.
About Live Green Toronto
Live Green Toronto is a City program that aims to stimulate greater green awareness throughout the city by running informative events and programs as well as providing community grants to help fund green initiatives. Information can be accessed through the website http://www.livegreentoronto.ca to help residents and businesses decrease emissions and protect our environment.